Let Dealer Supply Shop help you in completing all the essential materials you need to get your dealership up and running. We’re helping you address all the smaller materials you need in addition to the bigger ones, namely the cars you’re selling.
Start by making sure that your lot attendants and service crew have what they need in proper maintenance and regular inspection of the cars. You can provide them with inventory documents as well as order forms, in order to take note of the cars that have been sold as well as parts that need to be ordered. The required paperwork for attendants and service people can be located in categories such as Forms & Envelopes, Inventory Control, Parts Department, and Service Department Forms.
It’s basically your salespeople who will bring in the money, so it’s important to equip them with the necessary materials, which you can easily find in the Sales Aids and Sales Department Forms categories. It includes certain promotional materials such as balloons, display tents, and postcards. Of course you can’t do without the needed sales-related documents, which consist of planners, log books, contact notebooks, appraisal books, buyer’s guide, and anything related to closing a deal.
But while the salespeople requires different kinds of documents, it is the administrative and marketing department who keep and maintain the bulk of essential files and other types of paperwork within your dealership. You’d more or less find anything and everything you need for the back office part of your dealership within the Forms & Envelopes as well as Office Forms categories.
More often than not, these different kinds of paperwork can overlap within different departments in your dealership. The most important aspect is to always have enough stockpiles available because just as we’ve discussed in our previous post, the last thing you want to happen is to run out of these documents upon closing a deal.